We put on a carnival for our combined young women activity that focused on individual worth. I saw the idea and added a few more booths, a little carousel music and it was enough to put any circus to shame.
The picked out a disability (no thumbs, no arms, blind, one leg) at the ticket booth. Then took a game card and had to complete each of the 8 booths with their disability.
Ball Toss (ping pong balls into cups)
Chopsticks (transfer beans to a cup using only chopsticks)
Balloon Darts
Hole in One
How Many? (guess the number of candy, marbles, etc in the jar)
Fortune Teller (this is our cute YW president who dressed up as our darling palm reader)
Ring Toss
Photo Booth (this was a hit, thanks to the talented leaders who photographed and made a the backdrop for the girls to clown around with)
We had lots of treats (cotton candy, popcorn, snow cone cupcakes, circus animal crackers).
Everyone earned a unique award presented by the carnies, I mean, leaders. Then we sat around the shared our fortunes. The girls loved this. These are a few of my favorites.
And then we got a little spiritual and discussed some of the things mentioned by Jean, focusing on the worth of souls and seeing others as the Savior sees them, despite any disabilities they may have. We encouraged the girls to work on Individual Worth experience #3 .